Got another U

Matt L

Well not really. I finally went and got it.

its a '51- Might be a good one to fix up.


And the other in the background

That looks like a UTS platform on the UTU on the trailer. Is the correct platform on the other UTS, or did it give its platform to the UTU?
Well, it looks like a regular model U row crop (actually UTU) to me...a wide front U (Model UTS) wouldn't have adjustable rear wheel tread. That frame thing on the back is a curious addition. The rear tires appear to be 34 inch rim size which isn't normal for a tricyle U. That is old Goodrich style tread on the tires that was last made in the early 1950's. We had a '50 Farmall H that came new with this style tread tires on it. There's certainly quite a lot missing on the tractor but certainly enough there to make it a restoration candidate.
I have alot of the other parts off it.

The rims are 30's off a buddys 49 uts. I traded him the 38's because his '49 restored uts looked kinda dumb with em and the wheatland fenders.

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