Iseki SX Series Tractors

DavidP, South Wales

Well-known Member
Hello, I'm researching an item for a tractor magazine on Iseki SX series tractors in particular the ones imported into the UK in the mid 1980s. Even if you are not in the UK and have any experience of them or maybe owned one I would very much like to hear from you. Thanks.
DavidP, South Wales
Hello, I'm researching an item for a tractor magazine on Iseki SX series tractors in particular the ones imported into the UK in the mid 1980s. Even if you are not in the UK and have any experience of them or maybe owned one I would very much like to hear from you. Thanks.
DavidP, South Wales
Hello David. We have a 2wd Iseki SX95 (6 cylinder) tractor which we need to get repaired following a recent road accident. Any suggestions/links where we might obtain second hand parts ? John

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