Wife problems?


Southern Ontario

<video width=90% src=https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/cvvideos/cvvideo163194.mp4 controls>http://forums.yesterdaystractors.com/cvvideos/cvvideo163194.mp4</video>
Saw that picture and a song I heard earlier today popped into my head.Mowing Down The Roses,by Jamey Johnson.Sings about getting the jumper cables out,firing up the old John Deere,and mowing and burning his ex right out of his life.
An oldtimer told me that there are two kind-of wives. A Partner or An Opponent some days one other days the other.
(quoted from post at 19:29:05 09/14/23) An oldtimer told me that there are two kind-of wives. A Partner or An Opponent some days one other days the other.

I've never had a ''partner'' in the farming operation, but I've had an ''opponent'',and it's a sad thing to bring to the long time family farm.

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