Well-known Member
Wrong place but time is short. I have an 8-N that
has a Sherman over and under in it Tires look good but
are old,reims a shot. I rocked the motor by hand. It
needs to be gone.It has been outside under three tarps
till today. $300.00 is scrap price here, and that is
the price.
(quoted from post at 16:39:11 11/24/23) Wrong place but time is short. I have an 8-N that
has a Sherman over and under in it Tires look good but
are old,reims a shot. I rocked the motor by hand. It
needs to be gone.It has been outside under three tarps
till today. $300.00 is scrap price here, and that is
the price.
n Egypt, Africa, New Mexico?
I was back outside when it occurred to me I had not given an address. North East MO. Yes, Ewing Hook up a trailer and come and get it!
(quoted from post at 13:40:48 11/24/23)
(quoted from post at 16:39:11 11/24/23) Wrong place but time is short. I have an 8-N that
has a Sherman over and under in it Tires look good but
are old,reims a shot. I rocked the motor by hand. It
needs to be gone.It has been outside under three tarps
till today. $300.00 is scrap price here, and that is
the price.
n Egypt, Africa, New Mexico?

Technically, Egypt is in Africa.
Yes it is, and I really think it is worth more. But I
need the room and I would like someone to take, it.

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